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Tokyu Toyoko Line / Meguro Line, JR Shonan Shinjuku Line / Yokosuka Line / Nambu Line Musashi-Kosugi Station North Exit 1 minute walk


Aromatherapy Craniosacral
Rebalance your mind and body with castor oil care, etc.
It is a private room salon for women only.
Please spend your time slowly.


C irculation Circulating A Ssimilation anabolic R Elaxation relaxation E Limination discharge


After asking each person's constitution and physical condition by counseling and adjusting the tension and strain of the body by shaking manipulative treatment, the organic and cold pressed vegetable oil recommended by Edgar Casey and the aroma oil blend required at that time are applied to the body. It opens the joints and fascia with the pressure and stroke according to the state at that time while fully infiltrating every corner of the cell. When you open the shrinking part, the clogged part flows, you approach the neutral state, and you have a comfortable body balance, your body tends to maintain more comfort.
By adjusting the flow of cerebrospinal fluid called craniosacral rhythm throughout the body, the nerves are rested, deep relaxation occurs, and the life force, which is the source of self-healing power, becomes more active.
Please make your body easier. We look forward to seeing you there.





武蔵小杉 アロマ エステ マッサージ リンパ ヘッドスパ 小顔 めぐり 整体


受付電話番号 : 044-920-9927


新丸子駅からは西口を左折、ガードに沿いに武蔵小杉方面へ直進、大通りに出たらTINY BREAD &CAKEさんを左折し、ガブリチキンさんから上記と同じ経路でお越しください。



営業時間:9時 ~ 21時



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武蔵小杉 アロマ エステ マッサージ リンパ ヘッドスパ 小顔 めぐり 整体

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